I am enchanted with the idea of inheritance, the romance of generational thinking has always appealed to me. Thank you for that peace of art. I will pass this pipe to my children in turn, because it meant so much to you and now to me.
I would know you from Adam if you never gave anything to me. Adam gave me an inheritance. Part of Adam lives in me. He got it from his wife. She got it from a snake. I was his nonetheless. It’s deep inside me, written on my DNA. But everyone knows its there. It’s less like an inheritance. More like a family curse.
Would you believe that some one would attempt to steal my inheritance? He took it for himself and bought it at a heavy price. It came with a purple robe, a crown of thorns, and a free tomb. He was an Adam too. He held my inheritance up on two pieces of wood, and after three days he broke it. He destroyed it, and while I still hold on to some of the remnants it is slipping through my fingers, day by day.
I have a new inheritance. Praise God.
I completely agree. If Adam's sin was transmitted to us so that we are all born in sin, than there is, to quote your last post, such unplumbed depths there!
I was always intrigued by the idea of "the sins of the father" in pretty much all of the greek tragedies. The human race is basically one extremely long greek tradgedy, with Adam as the pater familias. But, of course, our story does not end with all of us in meat pies, but rather in the arms of our true father. awesome job. I give it a 4.
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