I challenge KENNY TROVATO to an Abstract thought/Poetry Contest
4 Days- 24-27
4 Posts- 1 of each on God, Sin, Women, and Food
To be judged by whosoever reads our respective Blogs, namely, John, Jeremy, and Jen.
Haiku are fair game. Free Association is laudable. Sonnets are Sonorous. You are Challenged. You have 24 Hours to respond.
Lets do it. By which I mean, with great impunity and impugnence I accept thy remarkably sordid challenge conciliarily decided, and I do not stoop to take hold of the thrown down gauntlet. But, I take up the gauntlet one way or another...so, yeah...
What is free association?
Okay, so your blog says you posted that at 8:29 on the 22nd of Saturday,
and it says I commented on the same day at 8:24. How ya figger that works?
Oh. Ha. I see. One was A.M. That makes sense.
And what is with this infernal word verification thing I have to fill out every time?
I'll be standing by, ready to pass my judgement.
Nice pic, btw.
And sir NAITF, the infernal word verification prevents bots from posting.
This should be fun and I will also be passing judgement on whom I deem the fairest of the poets. Point system as follows:
1= eh...aight
2= knee-slapper (so as to slap my knee)
3= Thoughtful (so as to wrinkle my brow)
4= Thoughtful knee-slapper (so as to slap my brow)
5= Gesamptkunstwerk (Ha!! My thesis was not for naught!!!)
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