Hey everyone, I had to turn in a cast biography, written in the third person, for the Oliver! pamphlet and my dad actually wrote one for me, which I was a lot more comfortable with. Thought you all might like to read it and tell me if its an accurate picture.
Tyler Antkowiak’s parts have gotten bigger with every play. A mere 5’ 4” in his brief role in Music Man, in Oliver-his fourth play -he stands 6’ 6” and intends to Bumble around the stage to the best of his ability. Interests include art, music, and sports – where if he can catch you, you’re in big trouble. Tyler thanks Mr. McKenna for working him so hard, and Mrs. Horst for healing the wounds. His greatest goal at the moment is also his saddest moment… leaving Rockbridge this year. After graduating at 17, Ty plans to attend New St. Andrews in Moscow, ID -- but a large part of him will remain… he’s leaving his shoes.
thanks dad