Sitting on the table before me, glaring but not yet grinning, my enemy and I pause. Knife in hand and six good friends besides, each with a demon to define and defeat, I catch my breath. I gutted him, and yet my struggle was not nearly over. I went to work with a trusted Sharpie, less effective in my battle than the name might imply. I had already gauged his eyes out, and yet my foe was not yet complete. All but one other friend Rachel Mayerberger had finished off their orange foe, Horace the Duck, Guinivere of the Bear and Shark, Kelley of the German River, Brandon the Demoniac, and Ashleigh of the Vomit. Finally the battle was over, my squashly nemesis finished. I am Coniglio Diabolico and I have won. We left the corpses of our foes, now turned into family crests, strewn across our door, that any more orange marauders might know what lies in wait for them at the House of Antkowiak.