Hey there everyone, sorry if my pre-departure nostalgia was a bit too heavy, I had a lot on my mind and wanted to get it out. Anyway as you might have noticed there are some updates to the site including the beard poll on the side, and as soon as I figure out how it works, a slideshow at the bottom.
About a year ago I wrote this statement of faith for my college application, after smoking a cigar and reading Chesterton, my two primary muses. I hope you enjoy:
I believe in God, the father Almighty maker of heaven and earth. I believe in God the Creator and God the Redeemer. I believe in a God who is transcendent in his greatness yet immanent in love. I believe in God’s Son, begotten not created, and that he used a cursed cross to crush a serpent’s head. I believe that Christ was fully God and fully man, and I believe that I will never fully wrap my head around that. I believe that He was a prophet, priest and warrior king. I believe that the Apostle’s Creed is an accurate human portrayal of the inerrant truths found in the Word of God. I believe in the Holy Ghost, that He proceeds from the Father and the Son, equal in power and glory, and that with the Father and Son, He is to be worshipped and glorified. I believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one God in three persons, as real and as mystical as shamrocks.
I believe that God loves the babes of those who love Him, and that he has welcomed them to be washed and feast in His name. I believe that God gave men wine to make their hearts glad, and cigars to put hair on their chests. I believe that the Westminster Confession of Faith is not the Bible nor is it the sequel, but it is close. I believe in loving the sinner but hating the sin. I believe that Roman Catholics are Christians, even if Pope Benedict does not think that I am. I believe that the government is God’s minister for good, no matter how often they attempt to throw us down wells and shred our multicolored coats. I believe God hath foreordained whatsoever comes to pass. I believe that many of the prophecies uttered in the books of Daniel, the Gospels, and Revelations were fulfilled in 70 AD. I believe that as an image bearer I am chief among creatures and as man I am chief among sinners. I believe that Christ died for all men but not every man. I believe that laughter is war and that not all Rigor is Mortis.